On October 16, 1995 of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ,
the window to the Heavens were opended and the creator of all life awaken. He a rose to peak through the window of eternal
life and saw his children assembled in Washington D. C..
On that day, his children of the planet earth acknowledge
receipt of a message. A message which was sent over 10 billions years ago. A message that was sent before life was known as
life and death was known as death and there was no planet earth.
On that day the spiritual world rejoiced in the Heavens
and the Universe.
On that day, all his children who were victims of war, murder and atrocities rejoiced, because they
saw that their sacrifice, suffering and pain, was not in vein.
On that day the message of Unity, Reconciliation, and
Atonement echoed around the planet earth and through the Universe.
On that day, the children of the planet earth put
themselves back on the path that their ancestors placed them on. A path that they shall never stray away from again. A path
of world peace.
On that day, the creator of all life rejoiced with the mothers of the planet earth because they knew
there was Hope for eternal peace for their childred on earth. There was Hope for war no more.  |

Million Man March October 16, 1995